Our history
This year marks the start of the great Fraispertuis adventure; when Michel and Simone Fleurent, originally from Meurthe-et-Moselle, founded a small business on the attractive site of the Colline des Eaux, not far from the Vosges village of Fraispertuis. In an attractive green setting, their little Auberge de la Roche des Fées welcomes lovers of escape and natural gastronomy.
The legend claims that Michel Fleurent, fan of western, under the spell of the red rocks which line the access road to Fraispertuis, would have drawn in this place the idea of theme “Far West” to nourish his dream of creating a park of ‘attractions.
Myth or reality ? It was in any case that year that the Wild West Train appeared for the first time, designed and powered from a 2CV engine. On an extended course, fitted with a new engine several times, carefully maintained, the original attraction is still active today, continuing tirelessly to offer visitors an atypical stroll around the park.
Children enjoy the games specially set up for them before the famous Fort Apache is set up and the adorable ponies arrive on which they can sit for a little stroll through the surrounding nature.
A major event in the history of the park, La Mine d’Or unveiled an astonishing structure that year inspired by the great American canyons, which will mark the memory of many generations of visitors. A slice of escape, aboard wagons that crisscross an unusual decor of galleries above which the mine is open to the quest for nuggets, gold digger’s sieve in hand. The special effects, simple but effective, seduce an audience not yet familiar with sound and light artifices.
The park puts thrills in the spotlight and welcomes the TGV, the very first roller coaster in the park’s history, which will later be renamed the Express.
Until then, access to attractions has been paid, entry to the park free.
The site takes its true dimension of “amusement park” at the same time that it adopts the formula of a paying entry (25 francs at the time) with unlimited access to the various “attractions”. The trout tanks that have built the attractiveness of the park are disappearing to make way for the famous Louisianas.
During these few years, Fraispertuis City resolutely played the card of refreshing chills with, in 1991, the opening of the Flum and its 11-meter high rapids, before the Aquatic Labyrinth (later replaced by Geyser City) came to offer, in 1993, its playful splashes for children and adults of water games. From 1995, the novelties became more regular with the installation of a new attraction every year (or almost!): The Roue panoramique in 1995, the Pirate Ship in 1996, the Mexican area in 1997.
The December storm does not spare the park! Although no attractions are actually destroyed, some are seriously damaged. The Cyclone in profit to disappear with the Gold Mine (transformed and reopened thereafter in 2006).
The park enters the new millennium with a great, special ride: the Grand Canyon. A new roller coaster by the French manufacturer Soquet. The overall structure of the site is also shaken up and various rides are moved.
Despite the harshness of winter which thwarted the reopening of the Gold Mine as announced, Fraispertuis-City obtains the title of best French family amusement park !
First attraction of its kind in France, the Cavalerie made a remarkable entrance to Fraispertuis-City, at the same time as some other transformations and in particular the alleys which are adorned with tar and the second entrance arranged to perfect the reception conditions.
The activity is finally relaunched in the Gold Mine while the Desperados Cinema, then unheard of in France, makes a triumphant entry. Unfortunately, the already very bad season ended with a flood which left significant damage.
The park does not give in to gloom, however, those in charge are rolling up their sleeves and developing the family offer with, for the youngest, the entry into the scene of cunning Bisons, junior bumper cars, as well as for the whole family, la Chevauchée (large carousel of wooden horses). Specially intended for the more adventurous, the Cactus chooses the year 2008 to proudly raise its strange decor 19 m above the ground.
The park is enriched with a new thematic zone. This is the first investment of such a scale: more than 1.7 million € for a Pirate Cove with grandiose settings. Armed with water cannons on the main Pirate Attack attraction, offering themselves a game of skill Revenge, or in the Treasure Shop full of memories … visitors go to the approach of good humor!
The wild west train called “Express 1966” is adorned with a brand new steam locomotive and sound wagons; the pirates make a sensational entry into the Cinema until then in the hands of the Desperados; the water fight escalates in the Pirate Attack queue; Cap’tain Fraisp, an automaton larger than life, takes the stage to recount his memories as a filibuster…
This year is the year of the most ambitious project in the history of the park: the arrival of extraordinary roller coasters; Timber Drop, world record holder for the most vertiginous fall, for an investment of € 4 million! The teens are jubilant … while the youngest enjoy a whirlwind of sweet sensations on Ferme Tornade. 2011 is also the year of “practical” innovations: a secure access road, a new sanitary block with baby change, a Sirocco which allows you to dry off after Pirates Attack…
The same year, Overtaken by a coaster in Japan, Timber Drop loses its world record, but retains its European record title.
The park enters the third dimension with the 3D Desperados Cinema. La Diligence and Las Ranitas delight children, followed by the Beaver River and “la Ronde des Rondins” the following year, then it’s on to “Hissez Haut” and “Santy Anno” to complete the pirates’ creek.
For its 50th anniversary, the park expands to more than 3000m². A new family attraction has been established there: les Taureaux sauvages.
A new shopping alley is emerging in the far-west district, with a large stage; the Billy’s Show, where the public can discover new animations.
The year of all the sensations because Fraispertuis-City decides to meet the demand of the most courageous of these visitors with the opening of Golden Driller; a monumental 66-meter-high drop tower with 4 different nacelles that allow you to experience seated falls, with or without inclination, with your feet in the air and standing on a platform. This last extremely rare position is still the highest standing fall in the world today!
At the same time, the rock of the Grand Canyon is finished, after 2 years of work, giving the park the splendor worthy of the greatest European amusement parks.
Pirates made a comeback with the opening of Octopus Island in the pirates’ creek. Jack makes his sensational debut in the park.
In 2020, the park inaugurates three new family attractions: les Corb’hauts” for kids and adults, as well as “P’tits Moussaillons” and the Post Office created with the youngest visitors in mind. Fraispertuis City climbed in the Travelers Awards ranking and reached 3rd place among French parks and 13th at European level.
The Bullys and the Derby are getting a facelift, while the Draisines make their appearance in 2022. The Mexican village is celebrating in 2023 with the arrival of El Molcajete!
A new attraction is expected! See you soon to find out more.
What’s next ?
Who knows what the future will hold? As ever since 1966, we’ll be looking for new, unique and exciting rides. We would like to thank you for your trust and remain attentive to your expectations so that we can keep on meeting them.