Les Santiags à Fraispertuis-City

Les Santiags

Pull on your cowboy boots…

A real cowboy worthy of the American West has to wear his boots. Come and try them on. Here we dance and we turn in circles in a frantic rhythm. Choose your style and show that you don’t dance like a foot. Everyone is watching you.

Do you have your head spinning and your stomach in heels ?! It’s normal! Everything will be in order when you put your foot back on the ground.

Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.
Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.
Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.
Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.
Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.
Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.
Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.
Put on cowboy boots to join the dance.

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Access prohibited from 105cm
Child accompanied up to 120cm


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